Sund & Bælt: Fast reaction time is crucial

The holding company Sund & Bælt owns the shares and manages the activities in the 100 per cent. owned subsidiaries. Sund & Bælt was founded on 4 December 1991 as a 100 per cent. state-owned public limited company by law on the construction of a fixed link across the Øresund. Sund & Bælt is also the operating company for both A/S Storebælt and A/S Øresund and therefore makes all decisions regarding the two subsidiaries. Sund & Bælt raises society’s largest traffic construction investments and binds Denmark better together nationally and internationally. For the benefit of citizens, business and security of supply.

A/S Øresund owns, operates and maintains the Øresund motorway and the Øresund rail line, which are the connecting facilities to the Øresund Bridge on the Danish side.

Sund & Bælt invests its energy on ensuring that IT supports the business. Resource-intensive operational tasks are outsourced to specialists such as Dubex.

Over 10 million vehicles, the vast majority of which are passenger cars, cross the Great Belt Bridge in the course of a single year. As one of Denmark’s central traffic hubs, security, including IT security, is crucial for Sund & Bælt.

Need to find critical incidents

In 2002, Sund & Bælt was looking for help to monitor their logs for critical incidents and errors. Dubex’s Managed Security Service team, called eSec back then, was given the task.

“We had no tools for log monitoring, which was an Achilles heel. Ole Schmitto from eSec contacted us and it was perfect timing. We needed knowledge about what was going on in our network and what incidents we had to react to,” says Finn Belling, IT Operations Manager at Sund & Bælt.

The Dubex Managed Security Service team collects and analyses log files. Sund & Bælt also receives reports with a system analysis of data as well as interpretation and security assessment of their network.

“We are constantly thinking about outsourcing operational tasks. We should not sit and analyse logs, but instead build knowledge and use our internal resources to support and develop the business,” argues Peter Hedevang Christensen, Head of IT at Sund & Bælt. 

Fast reaction time

Sund & Bælt can access log data via a web portal in connection with optimising the network and daily operations. In addition to receiving reports and analyses, Sund & Bælt receives penetration tests and vulnerability analyses from Dubex.

“The team at Dubex can quickly put a finger on where we should focus our efforts. They have a short response time where they either email or call. These are professional people in whom we have great confidence,” says Finn Belling.

“Dubex knows the direction development is going and which solutions may be interesting to us. I feel really well covered in relation to advice and feedback,” tells Finn Belling, IT Operations Manager, Sund & Bælt

Saves many man-hours

The reports that Dubex delivers provide Sund & Bælt with an overview of incidents, errors and areas for action. They also ensure documentation for management, the IT audit and other stakeholders.

“Dubex makes it easy for me to do my job. I can document that things are being taken care of and I take great pleasure in reading the reports. We have acquired many more log-generating units, so I dare not put a figure at all on how many man-hours we save,” points out Finn Belling.

Dubex knows our IT structure and keep us updated

In addition to log monitoring, Sund & Bælt has continuously purchased IT security products such as the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) for the protection of both internal and external networks.

“The Managed Security Service team at Dubex knows how our IT structure is screwed together. We get good advice when we change configurations or purchase solutions. And we always have access to the same talented people who know our business,” says Finn Belling.

At regular meetings, Sund & Bælt gets a status on their existing solution package, but they also get input for other IT security areas.

“Dubex knows the direction development is going and which solutions may be of interest to us. I feel really well covered in relation to advice and feedback,” concludes Finn Belling.

About Sund & Bælt Holding

A large part of the 118 permanent employees work on the Great Belt Fixed Link, road and rail. Sund & Bælt has a clear strategy to outsource operational tasks to increase flexibility and gain access to specialist knowledge, especially technology. On the other hand, knowledge is gathered about the condition of the “production apparatus” and about the customers internally, for example. It is also central to the company that core processes and strategic decisions are placed internally.

About Dubex Cyber Defence Center

Dubex’s CDC team gives you an overview of critical incidents in your network – and documentation on compliance. You get a team of selected experts who monitor and analyse incidents and attack patterns in your log files 24/7 – and contact you with critical alarms. Our experienced specialists are constantly searching the market for new threats and trends. This knowledge is added to your processes and your ability to respond to security incidents. Read more

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Stine Gjering Frederiksen

Marketing Manager

Rasmus D Jensen
Rasmus D. Jensen

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer


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