Hørsholm Municipality: Strengthened preparedness

Hørsholm Kommune is a municipality in Region Hovedstaden, Denmark. The municipality covers an area of 31,31 km2, and has a total population of 24.761. The municipality was created on January 1st 2007.

Hørsholm’s old town hall was founded in 1918.

With Dubex Incident Response & Forensics Services, Hørsholm Municipality has strengthened its IT security preparedness. The municipality saves costly, internal IT resources and today has a whole team of IT experts they can reach out to in the event of an attack.

Better equipped in a time of threats

“Dubex’s security experts are now part of IT contingency planning at Hørsholm Municipality, so we are strengthened in the event of a cyber attack, where we know that a quick effort is crucial to contain the damage,” explains the municipality’s IT manager Ole Kurt Petersen. “You can compare it to the fact that we have a dynamic fire brigade available that responds quickly in the event of problems.”

Relieves internal IT resources

All Danish municipalities are subject to documentation requirements and must report incidents to the Danish Data Protection Agency. The security experts from Dubex help to get an overview and to provide the correct documentation. In this way, they relieve the municipality’s internal resources and at the same time solve a problem which many municipalities are familiar with.

“Skilled IT security specialists are on “back order” and hard to find. That’s why we contacted Dubex, so we have specialists available in case we are attacked. We manage public money, and now we have experts available without recruiting expensive professionals from a job market under pressure,” says Ole Kurt Petersen.

Adds updated, relevant knowledge

“We also use Dubex and their experts to continuously maintain our knowledge in the field of security and for dialogue about what is important to know and where developments are heading. This happens at quarterly meetings, where we are updated and can get answers to our questions within IT security,” says the Head of IT from Hørsholm Municipality.

The DIRT service – Dubex Incident Response Team – not only responds quickly to secure the IT infrastructure and the necessary documentation. The solution also adds value in the form of professional insight.

Investment for the benefit of the public

At first glance, a municipality with 25,000 citizens may not be the obvious target for an attack, but it is worth remembering that a municipality handles sensitive personal data, and there have been examples in the press that this type of data has been leaked to the outside world.

“We are committed to taking care of personal data. Such data contains information about health, payments and benefits, so they must not fall into the wrong hands,” explains Head of IT, Ole Kurt Petersen and concludes: “If there is the slightest danger signal, we can discuss it with Dubex immediately and have the nature of the threat assessed. We have strengthened IT security and relieved internal resources.”

About Dubex Incident Response Team

Time is of the essence when a cyberattack puts your business out of play. A quick response can minimise damage. Dubex’s specialists respond with the right tools and knowledge to quickly identify the problem, ward off the attack and get your business up and running again in a matter of hours. Read more

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Stine Gjering Frederiksen

Marketing Manager


Rasmus D Jensen
Rasmus D. Jensen

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer



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