Certification: ISAE 3000

Since 2020, Dubex has had an annual ISAE3000 audit of all our primary services. Among other things, the audit checks that we comply with our contracts and that the security of what we deliver is in order.

An ISAE3000 Report is the assurance standard for compliance, sustainability, and outsourcing audits. ISAE 3000 manages the assurance of non-financial information and assures that procedures and controls are in place and operate effectively. Working with a supplier that holds an ISAE 3000 report proves that your data is being treated with integrity and confidentiality, and that all data processing activities and potential risks are being documented and controlled accordingly. This is a huge advantage for you as a customer since it gives you comfort, security and assurance that system or services you are considering implementing has the highest security standards implemented, assess risks accordingly, and has excellent quality control.

It is Dubex’ goal to maintain a level of information security that leads to certification according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard, as well as the preparation of a ISAE3000 statement.

About Dubex

Dubex is a market-leading cyber security partner, supporting 500+ locations worldwide.

Since 1997 we have helped companies and public institutions managing risk, adapting to changes and grow more flexibly. With deep industry and technical expertise, a comprehensive product portfolio and a proven track record, Dubex is the ideal partner for IT teams who want to contribute to their company’s success.

Dubex is today a full-service IT security company, helping with security products, governance, processes, implementation, analysis, operational support, full operation of our customers’ solutions and more. We also offer a wide range of security services, including penetration testing, monitoring and security incident management.

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