Seminar: C-level briefing
June 12th, 13.00 - 17.00
On this seminar Dubex A/S alongside Check Point and Bestyrelsesforeningen will be hosting an exclusive event focusing on the cooperation of management and board of directors.
This event is for you if you are interested in learning about the difficulties of cybersecurity in Danish companies and how to secure that cybersecurity is a priority for the management and board of directors. Furthermore, you will get the opportunity to take part in debates and end the day with networking.
This event is meant for people in management positions or in a board of directors, or those who work directly with management in a company.
(Please note that the presentations will be held in Danish)
13:00 – Welcome and introduction
13:10 – Det aktuelle trusselsbillede for danske virksomheder i 2023
v/ Jacob Herbst, CTO and partner, Dubex A/S
13:35 – Et effektivt cyberforsvar kræver en gennemført sikkerhedsaktitektur
v/ Jan Johansen, Regional Director, Benelux, Nordics & Baltics, Check Point Software Technologies
14:00 – Discussion at the tables: What do the CIO/CISO feel the board’s wishes and expectations are in relation to cyber security – and what should they ask for?
14:15 – Break with coffee and a snack
14:30 – Bestyrelsens perspektiver på cybersikkerhed skal forankres i organisationen – og omvendt… – men hvordan kan dette gribes an? v/ Kirsten Hede, Bestyrelsesforeningen
14:55 – Discussion at the tables: What reporting is it important for the board to receive?
15:10 – Panel discussion – questions from the audience and moderator
15:25 – Wrap up
15:30 – Networking – Red wine & snacks
Practical info
Follow the link above – you will be redirected to the registration page on Version2’s website. Fill out your details in the form to sign up.
IDA Conference
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
1577 København V
Parking and transport
Good parking options and close to Copenhagen Central Station.
The event is organized and produced by the Ingeniørens communications agency Tech Relations