Webinar: NIS2 Update

NIS2 Update

December 11th, 2024. 9 - 9.30 AM


The NIS2 Directive is getting closer – get a head start

You don’t have to panic if you’ve just started preparing to comply with the NIS2 requirements before the directive comes into force on 1 July 2025. However, the directive makes stricter demands on your company that you may not be familiar with. So, what does it mean for you and your organisation? 

Get a NIS2 briefing and be prepared to navigate the new landscape with Chair of the Cybersecurity Council and CTO at Dubex, Jacob Herbst.  

At our free webinar you will get an in-depth insight into: 

  • The big picture: An overall review of the NIS2 Directive and its consequences. 
  • The Danish reality: How far is Denmark with implementation? 
  • Your company’s next steps: Specific recommendations on how you can prepare your organisation.  

Date: December 11th, 2024 

Time:  9.00 – 9.30 AM

Language: English

The webinar takes place online  – the link will be sent out by email a day before the webinar. Also, the webinar will be recorded and sent out to all who signed up.

Sign up is closed – view recording by clicking the button above.

Sign up for webinar

Please fill out your information below to sign up for the webinar. You’ll receive a confirmation by e-mail. You will receive the link for the webinar the day before.

    Questions about this event?
    Just reach out

    Stine Gjering Frederiksen

    Marketing Manager


    Rasmus D Jensen
    Rasmus D. Jensen

    Chief Sales & Marketing Officer



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