Denmark is one of the world’s most digitized countries and with the increasing dependence on digital solutions, cyberattacks pose an increasing threat to society. The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, has brought with it a large number of cyberattacks on Uranian it-systems, including a number of attempted destructive attacks.
With the growing tensions between Russia and the western countries the risk of sudden escalation and an actual cyber war is present. In this situation it is more important than ever for companies and organisations to be prepared for cyberattacks. With that in mind, we will hold a webinar that dig into what the current situation looks like from a cybersecurity point of view and what we must do to prevent it.
The webinar will have two presentations – note that they will be held in danish:
The current threat landscape in a new unstable geopolitical reality
Jacob Herbst, CTO in Dubex
Danish companies and organisations are becoming increasingly digitalized and with the increasing dependence on digital solutions, cyberattacks pose a growing threat. With the Russian invasion, tensions between the West and Russia have escalated further and in reality, Russia are conducting a hybrid ware aimed at the West. Against this background, there is a great concern that the situation may escalate and lead to serious cyberattacks on Western targets such as critical infrastructure. Russia has carried out many targeted destructive attacks, and with the recent sabotage of the North Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, it seems that the threshold and willingness to carry out attacks has been lowered.
The presentation provides an overview of the current threat landscape based on the situation in relation to Ukraine and highlights the need for being.
When the attack hits – Incident Response planning is everything
Peter Sindt, Professional Services Manager & Head of Dubex Incident Response Team
In continuation of Jacob’s presentation of the threat landscape, Peter will introduce what is of outmost importance when an attack hits, and how Dubex Incident Response Team give companies the reassurance and security they need in light of the recent events and current situation that is going on.
8.55 Teams link opens
9:00 Welcome by Christian Jul Jensen, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Dubex
9:05 The current threat landscape in a new unstable geopolitical reality
Jacob Herbst, Chief Technical Officer, Dubex
9:30 When the attack hits – Incident Response planning is everything
Peter Sindt, Professional Services Manager and Head of Dubex Incident Response Team, Dubex
9:50 Questions and sum up
10:00 Thank you for the attention
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We look forward to see you!

Questions about the webinar, please contact: