New national cyber and information security strategy

On 15 December 2021, the Danish government launched a new digital cyber and information security strategy which will apply from 2022-2024.

The new strategy focuses on public sector authorities, businesses and the public, and aims to ensure a stronger, more secure digital Denmark, better equipped against cyber attacks.

The strategy builds on the previous strategy for 2018-2021 and expands from designating six socio-critical sectors (energy, health, transport, telecommunications, finance and shipping) within the state, to include a wider circle of ministerial areas responsible for functions important to society which to a significant degree are supported by IT.

“The new strategy contains a wide range of welcome initiatives.”

Jacob Herbst – CTO of Dubex

Broader effort and focus on businesses and the public

Stronger and more coherent action is needed for the business community, including in particular small and medium-sized enterprises. SMEs are particularly hard hit by cyber attacks and the trend is on the rise. The level of digital security must be strengthened and cyber and information security must be a priority for all Danish companies.

Further efforts are being made to raise the level of knowledge and competence amongst the general public in digital behaviour and security, for example by strengthening the information portal. The aim is also to initiate actions to help the public develop safe digital habits.

Finally, the desire to strengthen international cooperation within the United Nations, NATO, the European Union and with like-minded countries has been retained, so that Denmark is better safeguarded against cyber attacks.

The government has also set out four strategic objectives for the next three years:

  • Robust protection of functions important for society
  • Increased level of competence and management anchoring
  • Strengthening of public/private sector cooperation
  • Active participation in the international fight against the cyber threat

“We need to inject additional funds if all initiatives are to be implemented.”

Jacob Herbst – CTO of Dubex

Assessing the new strategy

Jacob Herbst, CTO of Dubex, a member of the government’s Cyber Security Council and the Corporate Forum for IT Security (Virksomhedsforum for it-sikkerhed), has contributed to the new strategy, stating:

“The new strategy includes a wide range of welcome initiatives, including focus on strengthening cyber security in the many Danish SMEs, and prepares the ground for the strengthening the police. These are good initiatives which we support.” 

However, the new strategy also has its problems, Jacob Herbst believes:

“There are many good ideas in the strategy, but of course they must also be translated into concrete initiatives and actions. Only DKK 270 million in funding has been allocated over the coming three years, which unfortunately does not go very far. Additional funds are needed if all the initiatives are to be implemented. Overall, a new strategy in place is generally welcome, to provide a framework for the national effort on information and cyber security in the years to come.” 

Read the full publication National Cyber and Information Security Strategy (opens a .pdf file)

Learn more about secure digital behaviour at (opens new tab)

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