Threat Alert

New vulnerabilities and threats are constantly emerging, and it can be near impossible to keep an eye on what is happening.

Keep informed

With Dubex Threat Alert, you leave the task to a dedicated team that has its finger constantly on the IT threat assessment.

Our early warning service includes three key areas for your IT security strategy:

  • Emergency alarm 
  • Vulnerability information
  • Strategic advice

Emergency alarm

Ensure that you are alerted if something suddenly comes up that may affect you. We customise this alarm for you and your industry so you only get relevant alarms. For example, it could be 0-day vulnerabilities, current malware, or targeted attacks against your type of business.

Vulnerability information

We draw your attention to threats that are not assessed as an emergency and able to affect you, but which should be patched as soon as possible. We compare all vulnerabilities to a list with your equipment, so we only update you on patches that are current for you. You will usually receive this information once a month.

Strategic advice

It is a part of our early warning service to give strategic advice, where we inform you quarterly about our opinion on the current threat assessment. We uncover the general trends, which systems can be exploited by cybercriminals right now and tell about which attacks can be executed here and now. Finally, you also get information on where the threat assessment is heading. This advice can be used to get an overview of any changed requirements for design, configuration and changed security measures.

Dubex Cyber Defence Center

Watch the video to learn more about how Dubex Cyber Defence Center 
and how we monitor and analyze logs in our costumers infrastructure.


All early warnings are assessed and prioritised

Dubex Threat Alert is provided by our Cyber Defence Center (CDC), and with it you can proactively protect your IT systems. All early warnings are assessed and prioritised to ensure that they are specific and relevant, and you can always contact Dubex CDC and our security consultants if you need to ask clarifying questions, have the early warnings explained or get assistance in performing required tasks.

The Dubex Cyber Defence Center constantly updated with information about new threats and attacks from, among others, our good partners, observations of attacks and incidents across Dubex’s other customers and from Dubex’s Incident Response Team.

All of this ensures that you can build a robust and strong defence against cybercriminals and threats.

Contact us to learn more about how we can secure your business:

    Please phone me


    Questions about
    Cyber Defence?
    Just reach out

    Rasmus D Jensen
    Rasmus D. Jensen

    Chief Sales & Marketing Officer
    +45 2485 2221

    Danni Bach Pedersen
    Danni Bach Pedersen

    Head of Cyber Defence Center
    +45 2018 1551

    Why Dubex?

    We have more than 25 years of experience with cybersecurity and with the technology. Our organisation is experienced in 7×24 monitoring and in Incident Response tools. This makes us eligible to support and use the full potential of the technology and we know all the value it has.

    Learn what phishing is and how it threatens businesses. Discover Dubex's solutions, from employee training to advanced phishing prevention tools.
    Navigating NIS2: How Managed Detection & Response (MDR) Enhance Cybersecurity webinar recording. Learn how MDR can help companies comply with NIS2 requirements.
    TV spot ad running on TV2 News, setting focus on Dubex Incident Hotline.
    Learn more about what Managed Detection & Response (MDR) is and how MDR helps companies comply with NIS2.

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