Purple Team

Collaborative purple teaming aids your organisation in detecting and preventing cyber security threats.

Key Benefits

  • Threat Simulation
  • Benchmark Detection Capabilities
  • Improve detection and prevention capabilities

Collaborative Simulated Attacks

Purple team engagements are collaborative exercises during which our offensive security team simulates real-world attacks, providing a realistic and comprehensive emulation of cyber threats by combining the knowledge of both the red team (offensive) and the blue team (defensive).

Purple team engagements can take different forms. After consuming threat intelligence your organisation may want assurance in your detection and prevention capabilities for Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used by specific threat actors. In other cases, you may want to benchmark your organisation’s detection and prevention capabilities or collaboratively map and execute attack paths to business-critical assets. To meet these needs, Dubex offers both pre-defined and custom-tailored purple teaming exercises, in the form of attack detection capability assessments and attack path mappings.

Business team discussing together during meeting at office. Colleagues workshopping business ideas. Brainstorm and ideas Concept

Attack Detection Capability Assessment

Attack Detection Capability Assessments are purple team engagements conducted in collaboration with the Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts. During these assessments, Dubex performs a wide array of atomic test cases simulating techniques that real threat actors leverage to achieve their objectives. Dubex harnesses their expertise in offensive security, as well as threat intelligence and incident response to develop atomic test cases and attack chains. With the outcome of the assessment a baseline of your detection and prevention capabilities is established and strategic recommendations on how to improve these capabilities are provided.

Attack Detection Capability Assessments also provides a platform for collaborative learning for your SOC and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) personnel.

Attack Path Mapping

Attack Path Mappings (APMs) are purple team engagements where attack paths to critical infrastructure are actively identified and verified, offering a practical assessment of vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by adversaries in real-world scenarios.

Dubex will commence APM assessments by engaging stakeholders within your organisation through thorough interviews to identify attack vectors targeting critical infrastructure or predetermined objectives. This collaborative approach expedites the process, allowing Dubex to discuss and validate assumptions regarding the assets involved in the attack path.

Following the establishment of the attack path, Dubex will execute the identified attack chain(s) to validate their validity. Dubex will then provide recommendations to address and remediate the identified issues effectively.


With our purple teaming services, we deliver a comprehensive report detailing the engagement. Attack Detection Capability Assessments also include an overview containing all test cases that have been performed, including their outcomes. During a dedicated report presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask our offensive security experts about the findings. The report encompasses:

  • Executive summary with an evaluation of the security posture and strategic recommendations
  • Overview of the purple team engagement in terms of objective, scope, coverage, conditions, and methodology
  • Technical Summary with information about security controls that were observed or lacking and a summary of the findings and recommendations
  • Technical Recommendations used to increase the detection, alerting and prevention capabilities of your organization.
Business partnership coworkers using a tablet to analysis graph company financial budget report and cost work progress and planning for future in office room.

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    Questions about
    Offensive Security?
    Just reach out

    Rasmus D Jensen
    Rasmus D. Jensen

    Chief Sales & Marketing Officer

    +45 2485 2221

    Ulf Munkedal
    Ulf Munkedal

    Chief Technology Operations Officer

    +45 2172 0065

    Why Dubex?

    Choosing the right offensive security partner is important when securing your organisation’s sensitive data and assets. At Dubex, we provide comprehensive and customised security tests to help enhance your organisation’s security posture.

    Our team of experts works closely with your organisation to improve your security posture by identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities, and by providing actionable remediations that enables you to improve your overall security posture.

    Choosing Dubex means partnering with a team of specialists dedicated to improving your security defences. We bring significant experience, having worked with numerous organisations across various industries. Our team of specialists stays up-to-date with the latest security threats and adversaries methods to provide you with the information needed to secure your organisation.

    Contact us today to learn how we can help secure your organisation’s sensitive data and assets.

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    Learn more about what Managed Detection & Response (MDR) is and how MDR helps companies comply with NIS2.

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