Vulnerability Scanning
Gain an insight into vulnerabilities in your internet exposure and internal infrastructure with Vulnerability Scanning from Dubex.
With our Vulnerability Scanning services, we will work closely with you throughout your vulnerability management lifecycle. Dubex will not only complete the vulnerability scanning, but we will also manually verify the results, remove false positives, prioritise remediation actions, provide input for the remediation and complete the reassessment.

Offensive Security
Secure your internet exposed digital assets against todays cyber threats.
Offensive Security
Secure your internal network and digital assets against todays cyber threats.

Offensive Security
Secure your web applications against todays cyber threats.
Questions about
Offensive Security?
Just reach out

Rasmus D. Jensen
Chief Sales & Marketing Officer
+45 2485 2221

Ulf Munkedal
Chief Technology Operations Officer
+45 2172 0065
Address tomorrow’s challenge, today.
Talk to an expert about how we can secure your business