Web Application Vulnerability Scanning

Identify vulnerabilities in your web applications

Key benefits

  • Identify vulnerabilities
  • Remediate risk
  • Ensure compliance

Identify vulnerabilities and remediate risk

Our Web Application Vulnerability Scanning is a primarily automated process to identify vulnerabilities in your web application(s). Dubex’s offensive security experts have chosen and configured a state-of-the-art vulnerability scanning solution to conduct the scans. All findings from the scans will manually be verified to remove false positives. To frequently identify vulnerabilities and to enable ongoing protection of your web application(s), Dubex recommends to conduct this scan on a recurring basis and at least every quarter.

What we do

The Web Application Vulnerability Scanning starts with scope verification and configuring the scanning with the necessary authentication. Scans will then automatically be executed on the agreed date, time, and frequency. Once a scan is completed, one of our offensive security consultants will verify the findings as a tabletop exercise or by manually interacting with the affected asset. Once all findings have been verified and documented, the top three remediations will be prioritised. The findings will be  compared to the previous scan and the security posture will be evaluated.



With our vulnerability scanning services, we will deliver a report detailing the vulnerability scan and its manually verified findings. The report includes:

  • Executive summary with an evaluation of the security posture
  • Overview of the vulnerability scan in terms of scope, conditions and methodology
  • Findings overview, a summary of the findings and recommended remediations, and a comparison with the previous scan.
  • Technical description of each finding with severity, description, and recommendations.
  • Prioritised top three remediations

Contact us to learn more about how we can secure your business:

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    Questions about
    Offensive Security?
    Just reach out

    Rasmus D Jensen
    Rasmus D. Jensen

    Chief Sales & Marketing Officer

    +45 2485 2221

    Ulf Munkedal
    Ulf Munkedal

    Chief Technology Operations Officer

    +45 2172 0065

    Why Dubex?

    Choosing the right offensive security partner is important when securing your organisation’s sensitive data and assets. At Dubex, we provide comprehensive and customised security tests to help enhance your organisation’s security posture.

    Our team of experts works closely with your organisation to improve your security posture by identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities, and by providing actionable remediations that enables you to improve your overall security posture.

    Choosing Dubex means partnering with a team of specialists dedicated to improving your security defences. We bring significant experience, having worked with numerous organisations across various industries. Our team of specialists stays up-to-date with the latest security threats and adversaries methods to provide you with the information needed to secure your organisation.

    Contact us today to learn how we can help secure your organisation’s sensitive data and assets.

    Address tomorrow’s challenge, today.

    Talk to an expert about how we can secure your business