General inquiries

Phone: +45 32 83 04 30

Contact Us
Please fill out the form and we will be in touch within 1-2 business days.
For faster response time, please fill in your phone number. 

    Please phone me

    Dubex Domicil

    Address and directions

    Dubex A/S
    Smedeland 11
    DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark
    VAT no. 19556603

    Parking: Parking is free. Guest parking is available at Smedeland 11. If the guest parking is full, additional parking can be found at the large parking lot at Smedeland 13.

    Press and media

    Please reach out to:
    Jacob Herbst, CTO,, or
    Gorm Mandsberg, CEO,

    We’re always looking for bright minds to join our team.
