Meet Dubex at V2 Security 2024

Time and time again, we witness spam, phishing, hacking, and more sophisticated forms of cybercrime ensnaring a Danish company or public service that is not properly equipped or simply caught off guard by the ingenuity of hackers.

V2 Security tackles the topics of cyber and information security that Danish businesses grapple with on a daily basis. It is Denmark’s largest fair on IT security, compliance, and privacy, where you can meet professionals who work with these issues every single day.

Listen to presentations from the best in the field, both domestic and international. Meet professionals working at the highest level of cyber and information security and be a part of the country’s largest IT industry expo.

Experience Øksnehallen with over 4000 IT professionals, 80 exhibitors, and over 30 keynotes and speakers. Come for the energy among the audience, the insightful questions, and the corresponding good answers. Come to exchange handshakes, pleasantries, inspiration, and gain new knowledge from the industry’s leading experts and researchers.

As a participant, you will be updated on the latest insights from top experts, gain insight into current threat landscapes, and have an opportunity to share your user experiences with some of Denmark’s most renowned security brands.

Questions about this event?
Just reach out

Stine Gjering Frederiksen

Marketing Manager

Rasmus D Jensen
Rasmus D. Jensen

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer


Learn what phishing is and how it threatens businesses. Discover Dubex's solutions, from employee training to advanced phishing prevention tools.
TV spot ad running on TV2 News, setting focus on Dubex Incident Hotline.
Learn more about what Managed Detection & Response (MDR) is and how MDR helps companies comply with NIS2.
The Dubex Incident Response team has been quite busy lately. We’ve observed that one of the most common methods adversaries use to gain access to networks is through VPN solutions that lack two-factor authentication (2FA). 5 security tips from us to you​.