Phishing Prevention
The Dubex Incident Response team has been quite busy lately. We’ve observed that one of the most common methods adversaries use to gain access to networks is through VPN solutions that lack two-factor authentication (2FA). 5 security tips from us to you.
(Danish) Martin Thunn, Cyber Security Consultant at Dubex, talks about phishing.
Email spoofing is a form of cyber-attack commonly used in phishing attacks and scams. Its purpose is to trick users into thinking a message came from a person or entity they trust. The manipulated email is sent by a hacker and may contain malicious links or false information.
With Dubex Incident Response & Forensics Services, Hørsholm Municipality has strengthened its IT security preparedness. The municipality saves costly, internal IT resources and today has a whole team of IT experts they can reach out to in the event of an attack.