Jacob Herbst appointed as the new chair of the Cybersecurity Council

The Cybersecurity Council brings together 19 experts from the defense, business, industry, and education and research world, all passionate about strengthening Danish cybersecurity. The members and the chair are appointed by the Ministry of Defense and the Digitalization Agency.

The new Cybersecurity Council has received a new and broader mandate that will contribute to enhancing digital security across society.

Jacob Herbst states:

I expect that with our joint effort in the Cybersecurity Council, we can contribute to strengthening Denmark’s cybersecurity for citizens, businesses, and authorities. The Cybersecurity Council has (…) an important role in terms of developing relevant cybersecurity competencies for the rest of society, among other things through our function as an advisory board for the Cybersecurity Pact.

Jacob Herbst has been a member of the Cybersecurity Council since it was established in 2019.

Jacob Herbst’s appointment as chair in the Cybersecurity Council is in line with Dubex’s continued work to enhance digital security in Denmark #SammenSikrerViDanmark

Read more about the Cybersecurity Council: https://digst.dk/nyheder/nyhedsarkiv/2024/juni/nyt-cybersikkerhedsraad-faar-bredere-mandat-til-at-styrke-danmarks-digitale-sikkerhed/

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